miércoles, 31 de enero de 2007

L'Organització Mundial de la Propietat, contra el P2P

L'OMPI enllesteix un nou tractat mundial de radiodifusió que prohibeix la transmissió per P2P i que ràdios i televisions puguin fer servir fragments del que emeten altres cadenes.

World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO, is getting ready a new Broadcasting Treaty that forbids Peer 2 Peer all over the world.
Audio en Catalán e inglés y subtítulos en catalán.

Making of Elephants Dream - Part 1

sábado, 27 de enero de 2007

the yes men democracy now

The Yes Men have struck again. On Tuesday, a man claiming to be a representative of Halliburton gave a presentation at the "Catastrophic Loss" conference at the Ritz-Carlton in Amelia Island, Florida. Conference attendees include leaders from the insurance industry. We speak with the Yes Men's Andy Bichlbaum, who took part in the hoax.

Zizek on Philosophy & Late Capitalism

Slavoj Zizek, is a Lacanian-Marxist philosopher from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Zizek, who has been translated into more than 20 languages and has written books on subjects as wide-ranging as Hitchcock, Lenin, opera, and the terrorist attacks of September 11th. Zizek's aim, in his work, is to combine a Marxist critique of capitalism with a psychoanalytically informed unmasking of the ways in which capitalism works upon the public imagination.

jueves, 25 de enero de 2007